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Thank you for your thoughts and for this musical experiment. This has interesting promise I feel ... I write "feel", because in my experience as a filmmaker, "seeing is believing, hearing is feeling". Certain sections of this piece moved me ... me, because it resonated with experiences and feelings that I have had in my life. It will be different for any other listener.

I am not sure about the possibility to create music that invokes the sublime. Can you really "detach" from your own feelings and experience and write music that is not you you you? I recognised you in your experimental piece, straight away, you are clearly there. It is you who tries to speak about the sublime ... your version of it I guess?

In addition to that, I think we humans all crave for emotions. Just look at random videos found on Youtube, made by not-filmmakers. Listen to music that it put with such videos. More often than not, this music has no relation whatsoever with the video as such, most of the time its fits not at all, but it is most likely to be very telling about the maker of the video, what makes that person "tick".

Looking forward to hearing more from you and you experiment!!

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